Charmaine C.M. YUNG
Assistant Professor
I am interested in understanding how environmental factors and anthropogenic activities influence microbial structure and functioning. I also study algal viral ecology and genomics.
I obtained my B.Sc. degree in Biology from HKUST in 2009, M.Phil degree in Environmental Microbiology from the University of Hong Kong in 2012 and Ph.D. degree in Marine Science and Conservation from Duke University in 2016. Before joining HKUST, I was a postdoctoral scholar at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institue from Jul 2016 through Dec 2018 and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel from Jan 2019 through Jun 2019.

Ph.D. candidate
Elvira, originally from Spain, obtained a BSc in Biotechnology and Microbiology from the University of York, UK, and an MSc in Human Biology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She is now finishing up her PhD studying algae, viruses and microbial and viral community omics in Hong Kong coastal waters.

Wenqian XU
Ph.D. candidate
Wenqian XU obtained her B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from NJUST in 2017 and Master degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from CQU in 2020. She is interested in marine microbial interactions and would like to become a technical diver to explore the ocean in person.

Yangbing XU
Ph.D. candidate
Yangbing joined the Yung Lab in spring 2020. He received his B.Sc. in Aquaculture from Ocean University of China in 2019. Prior to arrival at HKUST, he worked as a research assistant in studying dinoflagellates. He is attracted by marine microbes as they have “tiny size but great roles”. He hopes to uncover their diversity and functions in the marine environment

Ruixian Sun
Ph.D. student
Ruixian earned her BS. in Marine Science from Sun Yat-sen University in 2021. From 2021 to 2024, she pursued her M.Phil. in the Yung Lab, specializing in bioinformatics analysis of marine viromes and their host interactions. Expanding on this expertise, Ruixian will conduct her doctoral research investigating the ecological dynamics and genomic adaptations of marine mixotrophic eukaryotes..

Yijin WANG
Ph.D. Student
Yijin obtained his BSc in Marine Science from Zhejiang University in 2020 and Master degree in Marine Science from Guangxi University in 2024. He aspires to explore the interactions between marine phytoplankton, bacteria, and viruses, and unravel their responses to global environmental changes under the influences of anthropogenic activities.

Shara Ka Kiu LEUNG
MPhil Student
Shara’s journey with the Yung Lab began in Spring 2021 as a student helper. After earning her BSc in Environmental Science from HKUST, she transitioned to a Research Assistant role. Currently, Shara is pursuing her MPhil, building upon her previous experiences and academic foundation. Her research interests center on the fascinating world of marine microbes, with a particular focus on algae, viruses, and bacteria. Shara is especially intrigued by the complex interactions between these microscopic organisms and their pivotal role in marine ecosystems.

Taylor Ming Wai LI
MPhil student
Taylor joined the Yung Lab in Fall 2023 as an undergraduate student to complete her final year project. After graduating with a BSc in Ocean Science and Technology from HKUST, she decided to pursue her MPhil under the joint supervision of Dr. Yung and Dr. Masayuki Ushio. Taylor’s research focuses on applying environmental DNA (eDNA) technology to marine community and ecosystem management, with a particular emphasis on fish populations. She is passionate about exploring the potential of eDNA in fisheries management and conservation, aiming to contribute to more sustainable practices in marine ecosystems.
Former lab members:
- Siu Hei WAN (MPhil in Marine Environmental Science, 2023)
- Chun Fai WOO (Research Assistant 2019-2010)
- Long Ting MOK (UG Final year project 2023)
- Wing Sum TAM (UG Final year project 2023)
- Ka Yan CHIU (UG Final year project 2023)
- Shrinivas NANDI (UG Final year project 2022)
- Carina Handoyo KARTONO (UG Final year project 2021)
- Yee Nam YU (UG Final year project 2021)